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Chapter 9 User Profile

9.1. Profile Options

A user profile is a set of public and private user data used to work in the Program. Viewing and editing user data is carried out in the "Profile" dialog box accessible from the list of the "System" submenu of the Main menu (Figure 9.1.A).

Figure 9.1.A. Profile Dialog

A user ID is a unique, immutable sequence of characters preceded by a '#' (pound sign) that is assigned to a user upon their initial registration in the Program. The user ID is specified in the "header" of the "Profile" dialog box, as well as the address bar of the web-interface of the Program for each specific user.

Modifiable user profile settings include:

After making changes to any of the profile parameters, the user must confirm his actions in the "Confirm changes" dialog box by entering the password with which the user entered the program (Figure 9.1.B).

Figure 9.1.B. Confirm Changes Dialog

If the changes are not confirmed by entering a valid password, all changes made to the profile will be canceled.

Information about the name and image changed by the user is sent in the form of informational messages to other users who have this user listed as a member of the community.

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